List of Publications

  1. Lee, J. & Park, S.Y. (2025) WGAN-GP-Based Conditional GAN (cGAN) with Extreme Critic for Precipitation Downscaling in a Key Agricultural Region of the Northeast U.S. IEEE Access–Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Section, [In Press]
  2. Lee, J. (2025) Inferring Urban Air Temperatures from Land Surface Temperatures with the E3SM Land Model (uELM), Satellite Observations, and Measurement Campaign. IEEE Access–Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Section, 13, 32564-32573.
  3. Lee, J. (2025) Estimating Near-Surface Air Temperature from Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature Using Temporal Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis. IEEE Access–Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Section, 13, 28935-28945.
  4. Lee, J., & Berkelhammer, M. (2024) Observational Constraints on the Spatial Effect of Greenness and Canopy Cover on Urban Heat in Major Midlatitude City. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(1), e2024GL110847.
  5. Cho, A., Dziedzic, N., Davis, A., Hanson, C., Lee, J., Nunez-Mir, G., Gonzalez-Meler, M. A. (2024). Leaf Functional Traits Highlight Phenotypic Variation of Two Tree Species in the Urban Environment. Frontiers in Plant Science Functional Plant Ecology, 15, 1450723.
  6. Lee, J. (2024). Assessment of U.S. Urban Surface Temperature using GOES-16 and 17 Data: Urban Heat Island and Temperature Inequality. Weather, Climate, and Society, 16(2), 315-329.
  7. Lee, J., Berkelhammer, M., Wilson, M. D., Love, N., & Cintron, R. (2024). Urban Land Surface Temperature Downscaling in Chicago: Addressing Ethnic Inequality and Gentrification. Remote Sensing, 16(9), 1639.
  8. Lee. J., & Hu, M. (2024). Effect of Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors on Increased Early Childhood Blood Lead Levels: A Case Study in Chicago. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21, 383.
  9. Lee, J., & Dessler, A. E. (2024). Improved Surface Urban Heat Impact Assessment Using GOES Satellite Data: A Comparative Study With ERA‐5Geophysical Research Letters, 51(1), e2023GL107364.
  10. Lee, J., & Dessler, A. E. (2023). Future Temperature‐Related Deaths in the US: The Impact of Climate Change, Demographics, and AdaptationGeoHealth7(8), e2023GH000799.
  11. Lee, J., & Dessler, A. E. (2022). The Impact of Neglecting Climate Change and Variability on ERCOT’s Forecasts of Electricity Demand in TexasWeather, Climate, and Society14(2), 499-505.
  12. Lee, J., Mast, J. C., & Dessler, A. E. (2021). The Effect of Forced Change and Unforced Variability in Heat Waves, Temperature Extremes, and Associated Population Risk in a CO2-Warmed WorldAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics21(15), 11889-11904.
  13. Lee, J., Shi, Y. R., Cai, C., Ciren, P., Wang, J., Gangopadhyay, A., & Zhang, Z. (2021). Machine Learning Based Algorithms for Global Dust Aerosol Detection from Satellite Images: Inter-Comparisons and EvaluationRemote Sensing13(3), 456.
  14. Lee, J., & Kim, K. Y. (2018). Analysis of Source Regions and Meteorological Factors for the Variability of Spring PM10 Concentrations in Seoul, KoreaAtmospheric Environment175, 199-209.
  15. Lee, J. (2017). Future Trend in Seasonal Lengths and Extreme Temperature Distributions over South KoreaAsia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences53, 31-41.